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Our Story


a local interior design studio

"Taccuino" is the Italian word for "notebook" or "sketchbook". Which means we would like to jot down our artworks, our growth our daily 'sweet and bitter, also the reno-journey between our clients and us into Taccuino.

'We create' and deliver quality products and 'We Care' about quality and after sales services. We aim to build lasting relationships and exceed expectations every step of the way.

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About Taccuino.

"Taccuino" is the Italian word for "notebook" or "sketchbook". Which means we would like to jot down our artworks, our growth our daily ''sweet, sour, bitter and spicy'', also the reno-journey between our clients and us into Taccuino.

"We Create, We Care"

At Taccuino, we create and deliver quality products and we care about quality and after sales sercvices. We take pride in not only providing top-notch services but also in our commitment to exceptional after-sales service. Our dedication doesn't end when a transaction is completed; it's just the beginning of our ongoing relationship with our customers. We go the extra mile to ensure that our customers are satisfied, offering support, assistance, and solutions long after the sale is made. With our focus on after-sales service, we aim to build lasting relationships and exceed expectations every step of the way.


Taccuino Interior Studio

Who we are

Our team, Taccuino Interior Team is a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about interior design and arts. Our members come from diverse backgrounds but are united due to same interest and same direction in this industry.


Listen, Propose, and 

We Create, We Care

What we doing

Our team provide services start from interior proposal discussion to hand over of projects. We lsiten to our clients needs, we propose the most accurate proposal to our clients, we create and deliver quality products and we care about quality and after sales sercvices.


2022 till now

When we start

We started our journey since 5th May 2022 till now and more years to go. Our 'Taccuino' will become thicker and full of memories that we jot down including our growth, improvement and development.



Where we work

As an interior designer, we do not have a work station because we have to go out for site visit, material selection, discussion and etc. However, we have our office and showroom at Yishun area.
Feel free to book an appointment with us !!




Why our team formed

Our spark came out during our discussion and it become fireworks when we working together. We are here because of we have same goals, same thoughts and same direction in this industry.


Good Culture

Family Oriented

How we work

Although we are from diverse background, but we are united. We are more than colleague and like a 'family'. We help and encourage each other not only in works but in life too.




What is our aim

We aiming to provide a positive direction and proper guide to our team. This is to avoid the cases of ID negative news in market and to reduce the 'spoiled apple' (烂苹果) and victims in this industry. Hence, we or our family would not be cheated one day.

What Our Clients Say

It has been 3 mths since we moved into our 1st home and would like to say a big thanks to our ID, Kai, for designing our comfy home.

If you would like to engage an ID, I would highly recommend Kai for a worry free mind. He tries to put in his best effort to solve your worries

Jamie Ma

Via Google

I am delighted to share my exceptional experience with Iris, my interior designer from Taccuino. Working with Iris has been an absolute pleasure; her depth of experience and unwavering support made the interior design discussion and execution process enjoyable. Thank you, Iris.

Angeline Chua

Via Google

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